Established in 2017, ISTG Columbus coordinates and donates to schools, shelters, safe houses, street outreaches, pantries, free stores, reentry programs, neighborhood street blessing boxes, new mom agencies, sheriff’s department with human trafficking, police departments with both domestic violence and crime victims, hospitals SANE programs(sexual assault nurse examiner) and mammogram outreach and community centers and church outreaches.
Local Impact
"You may think I'm wacko but I tried on a lacey one again but with the straps fit like a glove...I never knew wearing a bra, correctly, could feel so good and do something for one's confidence...thanks again sweetheart...It took me till 52 to learn how to wear one correctly...unbelievable...and it's a Major change, not a little adjustment...I was way off"
"We just wanted to take this moment and tell you how much we appreciate your assistance with donations. In 2021 there were 436 victims of Human Trafficking identified with the Central Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force...For someone who lacked the ability to get menstrual products on the street, to now having self-care items, new bras all the way to name brand deodorant. This has impacted our ability to help some of these ladies thrive and find value in them that they may not have had the ability to do because of the environment they are and were in didn't provide these items."
"I feel more like a woman"
"Because of your donations, all these women are now walking around with their heads up and smiles on their faces. Who'd a thought that a bra could do that?"
"I was POSITIVE you would not have my size! Can't believe I get a choice. You've got 3! You're an angel."
Products Donated
Donation Recipients
- The ReSisters of Ohio
- La Senza
- Boho 72 Boutique
- Professional Women in Building