We can do more. Together.
You help deliver dignity at scale.
Our partners are who multiply the love. Businesses, corporations, and organizations of all sizes make this community of care what it is.
Over 1,000 businesses, organizations, and corporations of all kinds have helped advance the ISTG mission through:
- product drives for their local ISTG affiliates
- large-scale product donations direct from manufacturers
- financial contributions to keep us nimble and quick
- in-kind services
- hype that spreads the word
- hands-on volunteer engagement

Collecting and packaging products with the ACLU
Fortune 500 corporations, government agencies, high school groups, sororities, yoga studios, Etsy artists, synagogues, churches, bakeries, dance studios, gyms, bat mitzvah projects, runner’s clubs, restaurants …
folx living on the street or in distress…
Just imagine what we can do with YOU on the team.
As you can see, you’ll certainly be in good company.
If your business, organization, or corporation would like to join the movement, email our staff or fill out the form below.
Either way, you’ll hear from us as soon as possible; the women and girls we support have been waiting long enough for compassion. And we can’t wait to team up with you to deliver it.